Newell School is looking for a middle school assistant football coach starting at August 10th or as soon as possible. If interested please call the school at 456-2393 or email
Every student has an unique talent. The Newell School District embraces student's talents in our mission statement, "The Newell School District will use all available resources to engage all students in the active pursuit of knowledge to
help them reach their full potential now and in the future."
Youth in agriculture is sponsoring a day camp on August 14th. Information can be found below.
Middle School volleyball will start on the first day of school. It will go from 4:00-5:30. You need to have your physical done before you can practice. I have attached a copy below.
August school board meeting agenda-
School is fast approaching so please have your K-12 student(s) read the laptop handbook. The page you will need to sign will be mailed out with the back to school letters. Thank you!
2021-2022 student handbook is available online-
Reminder: Fall Sports Player/Parents meeting is tonight (Tuesday, August 3rd) starting at 6:30 in the Mult-Purpose room. If you are playing HSFB, HSVB and MS & HS cross country please plan to attend. Bring your completed physical forms with you.
Kindergarten readiness tip.
School supply list for the 2021-2022 school year.
Newell School District is looking for substitute teachers for the 2021-2022 school year. If interested, please fill out the application below and return to the school.
Kindergarten readiness tip.
Kindergarten readiness tip.
WRCTC Appreciation Tailgates
School Board Minutes for 07/12/2021 meeting -
Kindergarten readiness tip.
Newell School District would like to have public input on ESSER III grant spending. Please fill out the survey below.
Public meeting will be at multipurpose room at the Newell School District on Wednesday July 21st 6:00 pm.
School calendar for the 2021-2022 school year.
Newell School Board approved the back to school plan below for the 2021-2022 school year.