Newell School District surplussed 51- four roll toilet paper holders, 2-two roll toilet paper holders, 38-towel dispensers, and 37 soap dispensers. Pictures of items will be included. If you are interested in these items, call the school at 605-456-2393 by August 12th, 2021.
Newell School District would like to have public input on ESSER III grant spending. Please fill out the survey below.
Newell School District will be having a public meeting regarding ESSER III grant on Wednesday July 21st at 6:00 pm in the multipurpose room at the Newell School. If you have any questions regarding the meeting, please contact Mr. Andrew Fergen at 605-456-2393 extension 4.
Computer sales: Due to impending weather if you would like to come look at surplussed technology, we will be opening at 4:00, Tuesday July 13th.
Newell School District is looking for substitute teachers for the 2021-2022 school year. If interested, please fill out the application below and return to the school.
Newell School District student supply list for 2021-2022 school year.
Newell Boys Basketball team had a long hard fought day at the Rapid City Christian summer shootout today and we are excited for some more action tomorrow! #gettingbetter #GoGators
Newell School District Board of Education will be opening bids for school busses at the July 12th meeting. Closed bids with a minimum price of $750 are due to the school at 6:00 pm on the 12th.
Newell School District Board of Education will be opening bids for school busses at the July 12th meeting. Closed bids with a minimum price of $750 are due to the school at 6:00 pm on the 12th.
Junior golf starts tomorrow!
July school board agenda.
Newell School District Board of Education will be opening bids for school busses at the July 12th meeting. Closed bids with a minimum price of $750 are due to the school at 6:00 pm on the 12th.
Just a reminder the surplus sale will be on Tuesday in the MPR from 5-7. All sales are final. The computers will be $20 a piece.
Reminder that the Newell Community Club will be sponsoring swim lesson in Belle Fourche. Letter below include more information.
Jr. golf starts Thursday
Youth in agriculture is sponsoring a day camp on July 10th. Information is listed below.
Track camp is complete! Thanks to all the young athletes who came out to participate and learn new things!
Any boys basketball players interested in playing in a shootout at Rapid City Christian July 9 and 10 please contact coach McLaughlin at 484-5015 or email him at
Newell Jr. Golf starts July 8th
Newell School District has an open school board position for the 2021-2022 school year. We will fill this position in the July school board meeting on Monday July 12th at 6 pm. If you are interested in being a school board member, please email a letter of interest to If you have any questions, please call the school at 605-456-2393.