Middle school volleyball practice will start Wednesday (19th) right after school. Please have your physicals turned to the office or to Coach Muckridge by the beginning of practice. Thanks.
over 4 years ago, Cara Muckridge
Open House for students and parents/guardians will be Tuesday August 18th. We will stagger the times for students and parents/guardians due to Covid-19 based on the students first letter of their last name. A-J 5:00-5:35 pm K-Q-5:40-6:15 pm R-Z-6:20-6:55 pm
over 4 years ago, Andrew Fergen
over 4 years ago, Andrew Fergen
Middle School Football practice (6th - 8th grade) starts on August 13 at 8:00 am. Physical must be completed and turned in to practice. Please bring your own water bottle.. If you have any question please call the school at 456-2393. Thanks
over 4 years ago, Steve Schoenfish
Board asked for letters of board interest for vacant board position, deadline is the August 10 Board meeting.
over 4 years ago, Sophie Burditt
Parents/guardians- Please send your response to your child's placements for the 2020-2021 school year by Monday August 10th. Thanks! https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/837463/backtoschoolletter.pdf
over 4 years ago, Andrew Fergen
over 4 years ago, Andrew Fergen
At this time, students schedules for the 2020-2021 school year are incorrect. Please be patient while we fix this issue. Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Andrew Fergen
8-12th art students- Please bring the following supplies for art class this year for the first day of school: pencils, color pencils, markers, and an eraser.
over 4 years ago, Andrew Fergen
The fall sports parents meeting for HSVB, HSFB and CC will be held Tuesday, August 4 at 6:30 in the multi-purpose room.
over 4 years ago, Steve Schoenfish
Newell School District is looking for route bus drivers for the 2020-2021 school year. Starting wage is $17.50 per hour. If a CDL test is required, Newell School District will reimburse the employee for the test after one year of employment. If interested please contact the Newel School at Jeremiah.Weeldreyer@k12.sd.us or 456-2393
over 4 years ago, Steve Schoenfish
With the upcoming school year right around the corner; the Newell School District asks when shopping for school supplies you purchase a back pack with a built in computer sleeve. All students K-12 will be issued a computer to take home with them daily to ensure they are able to continue learning in the event a COVID 19 case temporarily closes our school. The built in computer sleeves will help eliminate accidental damage to your son or daughter's computer while on their daily commute back and forth to school Thanks in advance for your help. If you have any question please contact the Newell School at 456-2393.
over 4 years ago, Steve Schoenfish
The Fall Sports Parents meeting will be held on August 4th at 6:30. The meeting will be held in in the multi-purpose for all students participating in Cross Country, HS Volleyball and HS Football. All student participating in a fall sport will need to have a current physical and consent form on file. To obtain a form please stop by the HS office between 8:00 and 4:00, Monday - Thursday. The first HSFB practice will be on August 6th, CC and HSVB will be on August 13th. If you have any question please contact the school at 456-2393 or Steven.Schoenfish@k12.sd.us
over 4 years ago, Steve Schoenfish
Please remember to qualify for the Free and Reduced Price School Meals during the 2020-2021 school year, a new Application is needed . The 2020-2021 application is under Menu - Documents - Food Service. To not be charged for any meals, the form is needed by Aug. 19, 2020. The application may be submitted any time during the school year, however meals will needed to be paid for in full until qualifying for the reduced/free status--so-- the sooner, the better.
over 4 years ago, Sophie Burditt
The Newell School District is seeking individuals to fill the following co-curricular opening for the 2020-2021 school year. If interested please email Steven.Schoenfish@k12.sd.us or 605-456-2393 Head MS Football Coach Asst. MS Football Coach Asst. HS Volleyball Coach Head HS Boys Basketball Coach Asst. Golf Coach Head MS Wrestling Coach Head HS Wrestling Coach Asst. HS Wrestling Coach MS. Asst. Girls Basketball Coach MS. Asst. Boy Basketball Coach Concession Stand Advisor
over 4 years ago, Steve Schoenfish
Congratulations Kim Johnson and Charlie Clements are being selected as the 2019-2020 Middle School Academic Career Athlete Award. The award was sponsored by the Middle School Student Council.
over 4 years ago, Steve Schoenfish
Kim Johnson and Charlie Clements
Check out the school supplies list for the 2020-2021 school year. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/812465/Supply_list_2020-21__1_.pdf
over 4 years ago, Andrew Fergen
Putting in the work at the Elk's
over 4 years ago, Scott Wince
Putting in the work at the Elk's
Great turn out for Jr. Golf today
over 4 years ago, Scott Wince
good turn out for coach Abbie Nelson and her golf camp
Back to School Plan is located on our school website https://www.newell.k12.sd.us/documents .
over 4 years ago, Andrew Fergen