2020-21 school year High School registration packets have been mailed to all 8-11th grade households. Mrs. Dutt will host a Zoom meeting Tuesday, May 12 at 6:00 p.m. for a short presentation and answer any questions about high school registration. Meeting ID: 826 9024 8104 Password: 438303 . A link to the registration packet if you want to look at it before you receive it in the mail: https://5il.co/fxds
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
May 11, 2020 School Board Meeting agenda: https://5il.co/fxdv
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
Newell School District #LetItShine South Dakota. We support all the front-line workers. Thank you Jeremiah for lighting us up!
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
If you wish to listen to the school board meeting: When: Apr 27, 2020 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Topic: School Board Meeting Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84180328727?pwd=N28vb0IrWWdoSEZ0Z3Vza0Z6QjlVdz09 Password: 259428 Or iPhone one-tap : US: +13462487799,,84180328727#,,1#,259428# or +14086380968,,84180328727#,,1#,259428# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 408 638 0968 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 301 715 8592 Webinar ID: 841 8032 8727 Password: 259428 International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbyWkwXLTr
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
Board Meeting Agenda: https://5il.co/fi1n
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
Seniors and senior parents - Please check your school email for graduation surveys: 1 for seniors, 1 for their parents.
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
Message from the Newell Staff:
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
Newell School will continue to provide education, either online or by paperwork to grades Pre-K through 12. The homework drop-off/pick-up day will be Monday April 20 from 1-6 p.m. To limit contact with each other, the work being given this date will be for the remainder of the school year. Library books may be returned at this same time. To reduce congestion, we are asking families to follow an alphabetical schedule. Families with last names • A-E 1-2 p.m. • F-J 2-3 p.m. • K-M 3-4 p.m. • N-S 4-5 p.m. • T-Z 5-6 p.m. We will have the point of drop-off/pick-up on the south end of Campus on 4th street. Staff will be at the site to take the work you are turning in and hand you new homework packets. Parents of high school students, please understand students must complete work assigned during this time to receive credit for their courses. At the end of the scheduled school calendar, we will have a final day for everyone to drop off all completed work, computers, books, etc. And for students to pick up any personal belongings left at school. Also, come out, drive by the Newell Football Field Thursday April 16 at 8:20 p.m. for the “Be the Light” event. It is in support the medical personnel and our 2020 seniors.
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
Thursday, April 16, 2020 Newell will be participating in "Be the Light'. During this time from 8:20-8:40 Irrigator Field will have the lights on to honor our senior students, people in the medical field and students who did not have the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular events this spring . At this time we will have the senior banners hung on the north fence. After the completion of the 20 minutes senior students or parents may stop and take down their banner.
over 4 years ago, Steve Schoenfish
****PLEASE SHARE***** The Newell Irrigators will be joining other area schools in "Be the Light" campaign. Thursday evening, April 16, 2020, we will be turning on our football field lights at 8:20 for 20 minutes. We are doing this in honor of those who work in the medical field, our seniors and all the participants in extra-curricular activities that have been cancelled. Please come and drive by Irrigator field during this time honk to show your support. PLEASE REMEMBER TO ADHERE TO SOCIAL DISTANCING PROTOCOL AND STAY IN YOUR VEHICLES!. Why the exact time? 20:20 is military time for 8:20 and the lights will stay on for 20 minutes to honor the class of 2020. #IrrigatorPride
over 4 years ago, Steve Schoenfish
Congratulations to Caleb, Abbie, and Austin for earning the award of Academic All State for the sport of basketball. All our Seniors received this award. Way to be great leaders. You will be missed!
over 4 years ago, Scott Wince
Academic All State
Newell School update: Next week, April 13-16 there will be no new classwork for students. It will be a week for students to catch-up if they have fallen behind. We will have the next drop-off/pick-up day on April 20. Next week, you will receive a message about with the schedule for the drop-off/pick-up.
almost 5 years ago, Superintendent
Newell April School Board Meeting Agenda and Link for online participation: https://5il.co/exjs
almost 5 years ago, Superintendent
Congratulations to Austin Alexander, Abbie Nelson, and Caleb Mutchler for receiving the award of Academic All state. Austin Alexander as a girls basketball player, Caleb and Abbie as managers for girls basketball. Well done seniors.
almost 5 years ago, Scott Wince
Today, during a press conference, Governor Noem recommended schools stay closed through the end of this school year and continue with the online presentation of classes. Newell School District will follow that recommendation and remained closed through the end of this school year. This closure includes all buildings and all activities. Students need to continue completing assignments to receive credit for their courses. We are currently assessing how to continue the paper drop-off/pick-up process. You will receive another phone call later this week with the details of that process.
almost 5 years ago, Superintendent
Sorry for my spelling mistake. My GPA was not used toward team average. I meant to say the team had to have a 3.0 GPA or higher
almost 5 years ago, Scott Wince
Congratulations to the Newell Girls Basketball team for receiving the South Dakota Academic Achievement Award. To receive this award the team must have a 3.0 grade point average or high Well done girls
almost 5 years ago, Scott Wince
The classwork that students are doing during these buildings-closed days will count toward credit for those courses. The State of SD is allowing schools to present material online, as a way to not have to repeat the semester. The work is required to receive a grade and credit.
almost 5 years ago, Superintendent
Newell School District thanks these groups and I would like to ask people to make sure to give thanks to these organizations: *A huge "Thank You" to @WRCTC . They have provided Internet access to our students who have told us they needed access during our school closure. *Also, a huge "Thank You" @Coxfarmstand in Vale for providing lettuce for our meals. *A third huge "Thank You" to @RealtorsForKids in Spearfish for providing bags of snacks. *And a huge "Thank You" to @FeedingSD for continually providing foods through our BackPack Program and our local Newell Food Pantry. We are blessed to have community partners like them.
almost 5 years ago, Superintendent
Per Governor Noem’s recommendation, Newell School will remain closed until May 3. This closure includes all activities and all buildings, unless authorized by the superintendent. All teachers, grades Pre-K through 12 will continue to host classes online or through paperwork. The homework drop-off/pick-up day will be Monday March 30th from 1-6 p.m. Library books may be returned at this same time. To reduce congestion, we are asking families to follow an alphabetical schedule. Families with last names A-E 1-2 p.m.; F-J 2-3 p.m.; K-M 3-4 p.m.; N-S 4-5 p.m.; T-Z 5-6 p.m. We will have the point of drop-off/pick-up on the south end of Campus (4th street) for everyone to be able to drive up. Staff will be at the site to take the work you are turning in and hand you new homework packets. Parents of high school students, please understand students must complete work assigned during this time to receive credit for their courses.
almost 5 years ago, Superintendent