Middle School Volleyball and Middle School Football will start on Monday August 20, 2018. Middle School Football will have a short meeting and then passing out equipment. Middle School Volleyball will have a short meeting and then girls will be released. All Middles School Athletes need to have there Physical and Consent forms filled out prior to the first practice. Students will not be allowed to practice with out a Physical on file with the School.
August Menu: http://5il.co/4gx1
Newell Irrigator clothes for sale tonight during open house. Stop by Mr. Wince's room and take a look
The Newell School District Calendar has been revised. Feb. 15-22 has changes: http://5il.co/4elb
Clothes for School - Free store.
August 2018 Newell School Board Meeting Agenda: http://5il.co/4di2
Aug. 22 is Lifetouch School Picture Day. Make sure you pick up a picture packet at Open House or order online http://5il.co/4b4m
Parents - be knowledgeable about this: Momo challenge within the WhatsApp is scary: https://www.thejeffyaldenfoundation.com/blog/momo
The fall sports seasons are just about to begin, with that being said all athletes need to make sure to have their physical forms completed and turned into the school or coach prior to the first practice. High School football will have their first practice Monday August 6th at 6am. High School volleyball and cross country will will start practices on Thursday August 9th at 7am. If any athlete wishes to purchase insurance offered by the school they may do so by going to www.1stagency.com and choosing Newell HS. If you have any questions please contact me at steven.schoenfish@k12.sd.us
Get your Irrigator gear tonight at the parents meeting our final item just arrived
Remember: Students must have a physical completed before they can start any school sport. http://5il.co/3mxa
Gator gear has arrived. GBB will be selling this throughout the year. 1st chance to buy some will be the parent meeting Thursday night at 7:30. Items for sale are long and short sleeve Ts, hoodies, caps, and beanies
The Newell School District is looking for the following coaching position for the 2018-19 school year: Asst. HS Volleyball, MS Volleyball, MS Girls Basketball, MS Boys basketball and MS Track. If you are interested in one of the positions please call 456-2393 or email Steve Schoenfish at Steven.schoenfish@k12.sd.us
July 2018 School Board Meeting Agenda: http://5il.co/3w9b
Open gym Thursday June 28th is cancelled. Happy 4th of july
2018 PreK - 8th Grade Supply list http://5il.co/3sxd
Newell School District has the following extra-curricular coaching openings for the 2018-2019 school year.
Head HS Volleyball Coach
Asst. HS Volleyball Coach
Head MS Volleyball Coach
Head MS Girls Basketball Coach
Asst. MS Girls Basketball Coach
Head MS Boys Basketball Coach
Asst. MS Boys Basketball Coach
Asst. HS Wrestling
If you are interested in one of the position above please email Steven.Schoenfish@k12.sd.us or Call 456-2393
Team camp is complete. Great work.
GBB CAMP girls grades 6-12
June 12 and 14. 6pm
6 TO 9 PM AA. COST IS $25