See the Flyer below for Fall Sports Parents Meeting
Make sure to have a current physical on file with the school before your first practice.
Newell School District is looking for a custodian for the 2023-2024 school year.
Starting pay for the position is $13.50 an hour. Benefits include 162.5 hours of PTO, 40 hours of vacation, South Dakota Retirement, 100% paid premium for health insurance, and options for dental, life, and vision insurance. If interested in this position, please fill out the job application below and either email or bring it to the business office located in the high school.
July special school board meeting agenda-
Megan Jackson has been spending her summer working with Mrs. Burtzlaff at the SDSM&T. Students participating in BP-STEM REM will conduct research on sustainability and energy storage. Ten students will conduct research as a group, picking their project topic from a series of experimental samples stated in the research plan. Participants, under the guidance of South Dakota Mines graduate students and faculty, will learn how to effectively review scientific literature to supplement their background knowledge and help them form a hypothesis. At the end of the 6 weeks, participants will learn how to organize, summarize, and present their work by making clear and concise presentations and posters. This 6-week summer research camp can inspire interest in chemistry, biology, teamwork, and conducting experiments.
Here is the 2023-2024 Newell School District supply list. If you have the Newell School app you can find the link under the documents section so it is easy to find while out shopping.
Newell School District is looking for a business manager for the 2023-2024 school year. The salary for the position is $47,000 and benefits include 162.5 hours of PTO, 40 hours of vacation, South Dakota Retirement, 100% paid premium for health insurance, and options for dental, life, and vision insurance. If you are interested in the position, please send a resume, cover letter, and three letters of recommendation to The job description for the position can be found on the following link-
Newell School District is looking for an assistant cook for the 2023-2024 school year. Starting pay for the position is $13.50 an hour. Benefits for the position include a 100% paid premium for health insurance throughout the year and 132.5 hours of paid time off for annual leave. If interested in this position, please fill out the job application below and either email or bring it to the business office located in the high school.
Pacesetter volleyball camp was a "hit"! The girls all learned lots over the 3 days. The older two groups received awards. The girls voted on MVP and most improved. Mesa Mangis and Kimberly Johnson won MVP and Tancy F. and Cody Winkler won most improved! Come out and support our amazing irrigator volleyball program this fall!
We had a great first day of the Pacesetter Volleyball Camp! The girls are learning a lot and having fun! Two more days of learning the great game.
Newell School District is looking for a business manager for the 2023-2024 school year. The salary for the position is $47,000 and benefits include 162.5 hours of PTO, 40 hours of vacation, South Dakota Retirement, 100% paid premium for health insurance, and options for dental, life, and vision insurance. If you are interested in the position, please send a resume, cover letter, and three letters of recommendation to The job description for the position can be found on the following link-
July school board meeting agenda-
June special school board meeting minutes.
Newell School District will be planning bus routes during our July School Board Meeting.
If you are planning on riding the school bus for the 2023-2024 school year, please fill out and return the letter below.
We are about 2 weeks away from the Pacesetter Camp! If you haven't registered yet, get signed up for this great opportunity. Let Cara Muckridge know if you have any questions!
Newell School District is looking for a business manager for the 2023-2024 school year. The salary for the position is $47,000 and benefits include 162.5 hours of PTO, 40 hours of vacation, South Dakota Retirement, 100% paid premium for health insurance, and options for dental, life, and vision insurance. If you are interested in the position, please send a resume, cover letter, and three letters of recommendation to The job description for the position can be found on the following link-
June special school board meeting agenda-
June school board minutes-