Kindergarten readiness tip
Newell School District will have school on Friday September 30th to celebrate homecoming.
Congratulations to the high school volleyball team on winning the Little Moreau tourney. Also to Jaelyn Wendt, Kaira Stomprud and Taylor Gaer on earn all tourney.
Great Job
Homecoming spirit week starts on Monday! Lots of opportunities to support the Newell Irrigators.
Don't forget the annual Chili Feed in on Friday the 30th before the homecoming football game against Dupree.
Thanks to Brandon with BH Creates for donating his time, materials and skills to the preschool class. They were able to build their very own bird house! They had fun a learned new skills in the process. Thanks again Brandon.
link for vb games tonight
If you are looking for any assistance regarding birth to three service, please contact the school at 605-456-2393.
Newell School District is looking for a paraprofessional for this school year. Starting pay for the position is $13 an hour with an opportunity for extra duty pay and benefits for the position include 100% paid premium for health insurance throughout the year and 132.5 hours of paid time off for annual leave. If you are interested in the position, fill out the application below. Applications can be emailed to or delivered to the business office at the high school.
Newell School District is looking for a kindergarten teacher for the 2022-2023 school year. If interested, email Mr. Andrew Fergen at a resume, cover letter, and three letters of recommendation.
Volunteer your time and improve your resume.
Career interest survey for students.
The student council will once again be doing the penny wars fundraiser! Read the flyer below for more details!
Newell School District is looking for a head of maintenance for the 2022-2023 school year. Benefits for the position include 100% paid premium for health insurance, South Dakota Retirement, 40 hours of vacation after one year of employment, 162.5 hours of paid time off annually, and options for dental, life, and vision insurance. Please return completed job application to the high school office or email to
Kindergarten readiness tip
Bracket for the Little Morneau volleyball tournament this weekend in Faith-
Agenda for special school board meeting on Wednesday September 21st at 6 :00 pm in the multipurpose room-
September school board minutes-
Come support the freshman class tomorrow during parent teacher conferences!
Please take this survey for our school! You are a valued member of our community and we NEED your honest feedback. This information will be compiled by outside people and presented to a committee of parents and staff.